'127 Hours' Causes Fainting, Vomiting, Seizures

127 Hours' has gotten audiences fainting, vomiting and worse in numbers unseen since 'The Exorcist' - and the movie has not even hit theaters yet.
James Franco plays real-life rock climber Aron Ralston who made headlines when he resorted to self-amputation to free himself from a boulder that pinned his arm to a canyon wall for five days in 2003.
127 HoursThe scene has caused viewers numerous physical reactions, and Movieline.com has put together a time line. Here's what happened at just one screening:
Oct. 28 - London Film Festival
A report in The Sun claimed that "[h]orrified film fans threw up and fainted at the premiere of Slumdog Millionaire director Danny Boyle's shocking new movie," which closed the London Film Festival last week. The bad news: As you might expect from The Sun, the specific number and nature of the cases was not determined. There is this, though: "Boyle looked on as paramedics treated fans struggling to cope with gruesome scenes." And the person sitting near Daily Mail reviewer Chris Tookey "left just after the most gruesome bit and never came back," apparently rebuking "the most harrowing bone-breaking and amputation scene in the history of cinema."

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