20+ Adobe Air Applications For Web Designers And Developers

Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) is a runtime cross-platform for building rich Internetapplications using Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex, HTML, or Ajax, which can be deployed as a desktop application.
Adobe AIR Applications can operate offline and upload data when availability of internet. Every designer and developer loves these types of tools which are simplify and takes less time. This is very simple and fast loading application.

Adobe Air applications are most popular because of internet-enabled desktop applications. If you don’t have Adobe AIR installed, you can download it.
If you are a designer or developer then this application is very much useful for you. Because it loads faster, takes less time and very advance for designers.  It enables you to run your favoriteapplication on desktop.
Here we have 22+ conventional and beneficial Adobe AIR Application for both Designer and Developers. Have look on these useful applications.

1. Icon Generator

2. Kuler Desktop

3. Pixus – The Pixel Ruler and More

4. RichFLV

5. Color Browser

6. COLOURlovers Desktop Color Finder

7. Contrast-A

8. Shrink O’Matic

9. Livebrush

10. Xe-IMG Image Editor V3

11. Designview

12. WebKut

13. QR Code generator for mobile tagging

14. Random Patter

15. Flickr Desktop Search

16. Splashup Light – Photo Editor

17. Boks

18. Fireworks AutoBackup utility

19. De MonsterDebugger

20. PreFab3D

21. Fnk

22. Sickworks’ Simple Flash Filter Generator

23. Illustrate

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