via Hollywoodtuna
There's nothing like two hot young Hollywood starlets like Selena Gomez and Katie Cassidy with their hands all over each other to get this blogger going. Although Katie looks like she's about forty years old standing next to Selena. Still hot though. Anyhow, here they are getting all lovey dovey squishing their breasts together at the premiere of some crappy kid's movie Selena is in. I would spend good money for the opportunity to squeeze in between these two. Call me.
There's nothing like two hot young Hollywood starlets like Selena Gomez and Katie Cassidy with their hands all over each other to get this blogger going. Although Katie looks like she's about forty years old standing next to Selena. Still hot though. Anyhow, here they are getting all lovey dovey squishing their breasts together at the premiere of some crappy kid's movie Selena is in. I would spend good money for the opportunity to squeeze in between these two. Call me.
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