A contestant who had been on the show multiple times brought on a lawsuit against American Idol for being sexually harassed.
Ian Bernardo claimed the Idol producers told him to "gay it up" when he tried out for the third time, this time in 2010. He also said they said other hurtful things like calling him "fag" and "homo."
But it was the fact that it was his third time appearing on Idol that got the case thrown out, as the Judge said that Bernardo should have expected the nature of the show:
“He, like everyone else with a modicum of talent (or less) who auditions for American Idol, chose to appear on a program that was famous for its judges insulting behavior toward the lame, the halt and the talentless, knowing full well what was coming — if only because he had experienced it before.Benardo went on air after being told what was expected of him, and he knew full well what to expect. Having volunteered to be insulted, he cannot now claim that he was sexually harassed.”
Be that as it may, if Bernardo is telling the truth, then the words that were chosen should still be...
punishable. It's atrocious to hear that someone could have been called these things, all the while having the courage to come back for a third time regardless of making it the past two. American Idol should be a professional environment.Nobody should be subjected to that kind of hateful terminology, and while the show has a reputation for putting down bad artists, they never do it in truly hate-filled ways, with hate-filled words.
If this is all just a ploy to get attention, then it's just as terrible on Bernardo's part. If there is truly no evidence to support either side, then throwing it out was the right decision.
Do U think the case should've been thrown out??
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