Lindsay Lohan Already Violated the Terms of Her Probation

Lindsay Lohan Already Violated the Terms of Her Probation
The reason LindsayLohan bailed on her Today Show interview atthe last minuteyesterday was because she'd just found out she'd tested positive for alcohol — meaning she has been ordered to appear in court today for another probation violation hearing —
and a 'I'm serious about my sobriety' interview would have probably seemed a little hollow under the circumstances. Good thing she already gave that interview to Life & Style earlier this week, then. Nothing says 'humbled by past mistakes' and 'well-grounded' like sitting in front of a eight-foot portrait of yourself. TMZ says:
via Yeeeah
Lindsay was tested twice last week — [she] tested positive for alcohol on one of the tests and negative on the other. One of the tests was administered just after Lindsay had a rooftopbarbecue party.

Sources [say] the L.A. County Probation Department will ask [the judge] to yank her out of house arrest and throw her in L.A. County Jail.

The Probation Department is pissed off because they tried to force Lindsay to take two tests in May but Lindsay's lawyer refused to make Lindsaysubmit, claiming it wasn't part of her probation. Turns out it was, so Lindsay subsequently took the two tests… one of which she failed.

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