Have a Banner Year in Geometric Jewelry

Bold Necklaces, Earrings, and Brooches

banner year jewelry!
Ever since the joy of traveling became synonymous with hefty luggage fees, you’ve been slightly less thrilled aboutpacking for vacation.
For a more hassle-free experience, try an accessory that conjures whirlwind trips to Nairobi, midnight tribal rituals, and safaris on a whim — no boarding pass required.
Covetable new jewelry collection Banner Year does just that. Visual merchandiser Jeffrey Millbern draws inspiration from...
art deco and the shapes and patterns in African and Native American textiles to create bold, geometric necklaces, earrings, and brooches.
Exotic hardwoods and slick black enameled wood in clean-cut triangles and diamonds hang from a combination of new and vintage brass chains. Millbern deftly layers shapes and juxtaposes textures, making each retro bohemian piece one of a kind.
Everything is available on Dovetail’s just-launched e-commerce site. We think this line is about to take flight.
Available at Dovetail, 1452 West Chicago Avenue, between Greenview Avenue and Noble Street (312-243-3100 ordovetailchicago.com), $30-$120.
Photo: Courtesy of Banner Year Jewelry

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