Detainee Policies

WikiLeaks has begun releasing the 'Detainee Policies': more than 100 classified or otherwise restricted files from the United States Department of Defense covering the rules and procedures for detainees in U.S. military custody. Over the next month, WikiLeaks will release in chronological order the United States' military detention policies followed for more than a decade. The documents include the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of detention camps in Iraq and Cuba, interrogation manuals and Fragmentary Orders (FRAGOs) of changes to...
detainee policies and procedures. A number of the 'Detainee Policies' relate to Camp Bucca in Iraq, but there are also Department of Defense-wide policies and documents relating to Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay and European U.S. Army Prison facilities. [read the full press release here]
Name Description  Date of creation  Date of release  Region of effect  Document type  Pages  
US-DoD-BUCCA-SOP-Anx-C-IF-Procedures-Draft-001-2004-04-01SOP for Internment Facility procedures at Camp Bucca (draft)2004-04-012012-10-27Camp Bucca, IraqStandard Operating Procedure4
US-DoD-BUCCA-SOP-Apx-1-Sec-OIC-DO-to-Anx-B-Duty-POSNs-2004-04-01SOP for Security OIC-Duty Officer (SOIC/DO) responsibilities at Camp Bucca2004-04-012012-10-27Camp Bucca, IraqStandard Operating Procedure2
US-DoD-BUCCA-SOP-Apx-10-CCT-SOG-to-Anx-B-Duty-POSNs-2004-04-01SOP for Compound Control Team SOG responsibilities at Camp Bucca2004-04-012012-10-27Camp Bucca, IraqStandard Operating Procedure2
US-DoD-BUCCA-SOP-Apx-11-Detainee-Release-SOP-2004-04-01SOP for detainee release at Camp Bucca2004-04-012012-10-27Camp Bucca, IraqStandard Operating Procedure4
US-DoD-BUCCA-SOP-Apx-12-Intelligence-IF-SOP-2004-04-01SOP for intelligence collection at Camp Bucca2004-04-012012-10-27Camp Bucca, IraqStandard Operating Procedure8
US-DoD-BUCCA-SOP-Anx-A-Familiarization-2004-03-27SOP for familiarization to Camp Bucca2004-03-272012-10-26Camp Bucca, IraqStandard Operating Procedure5
US-DoD-BUCCA-SOP-Working-Draft-001-2004-03-19Main SOP for Camp Bucca (working draft)2004-03-192012-10-26Camp Bucca, IraqStandard Operating Procedure35
US-DoD-BUCCA-SOP-Apx-2-Bucca-ROE-to-Anx-A-Familiarization-2004-03-05SOP for Rules of Engagement at Camp Bucca2004-03-052012-10-26Camp Bucca, IraqStandard Operating Procedure2
US-DoD-Links-to-OIF-Observations-2003-04-09References for urban operations manual2003-04-092012-10-26U.S. DoDReference List for OIF11
US-DoD-MOU-US-UK-AUS-re-Detainees-2003-03-25MOU between U.S. U.K. And Australia for transfer of detainees2003-03-252012-10-26US, UK, AUS, Iraq, AfghanistanMemorandum of Understanding3
US-DoD-DELTA-SOP-2002-11-11Main SOP for Camp Delta, Guantanamo2002-11-112012-10-25Camp Delta, CubaStandard Operating Procedure33
US-DoD-CH-03-Annex-J-Visitation-2002-01-30SOP for conducting visits to confined inmates and detainees2002-01-302012-10-25U.S. Army Correction Facility-EuropeStandard Operating Procedure4
US-DoD-CH-07-Annex-C-Disorder-FOUO-2001-10-11SOP for disorder emergency plan2001-10-112012-10-25U.S. Army Correction Facility-EuropeStandard Operating Procedure8
US-DoD-CH-07-Annex-D-EandA-FOUO-2001-10-09SOP for apprehending and returning escaped detainees2001-10-092012-10-25U.S. Army Correction Facility-EuropeStandard Operating Procedure5
US-DoD-DoD-Directive-1994-08-18-reissued-2004DoD directive for program for enemy prisoners of war and other detainees (reissued 2004)1994-08-182012-10-25U.S. DoDDoD Directive4

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